From the press release:
- Until further notice, the Mayor will suspend issuance of Public Event permits and Temporary Liquor Licenses associated with Public Events.
- Until further notice, Urbana Public Television will be closed to in-person public access services effective today. During that time UPTV’s entire facility will be closed to the public and no in-person services will be conducted.
- All city-sponsored public events and meetings involving more than 25 attendees are cancelled. Check the City of Urbana website for the most up-to-date list of cancelled events. At the time of this release, that list includes: CultureFest @ Boneyard Arts Fest, Closing Reception: Artist of the Corridor, Young Artists Studio, Children’s Poetry Reading at Robeson Elementary, April Business and Development Luncheon
Additionally, public access to the Urbana City Building located at 400 S. Vine Street will be restricted to the north entrance as of Tuesday, March 17. This entrance is closest to the tree sculpture and reflecting pool. The building will remain open to the public, but it is requested that any person trying to contact a city office please call first or check the City of Urbana website, as many interactions can be handled over the phone or internet. Any person attempting to visit the Community Development division should first check in at the City Clerk’s office.
Persons entering the building will be asked to wash or otherwise sanitize their hands before making their way to any City department.
Photo from City of Urbana Facebook page.