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There’s a Women’s March and rally happening this Saturday

Following the national lead, local organizers are planning a Women’s March and rally in West Side Park on Saturday, October 17th from 12 to 1 p.m.

From the press release:

“The C-U Women’s Rally and March 2020 will include stories from women in our local community sharing their concerns about women’s healthcare rights, equality for all people, and the critical importance of honoring the legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s SCOTUS seat. We believe that Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ rights, the rights of immigrants, and the rights of marginalized people in this country must be respected and protected.”

Kanittha Fay, volunteer with When We All Vote, will be doing voter registrations at the event.

You can RSVP here. Masks and social distancing are required.*

*Edited to add this important detail from the event description.

Top photo of the 2017 march by Jeff Bossert from Illinois Public Media. 

Staff writer

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