Smile Politely

The Virginia Theatre’s movie spotlight for September is Inarritu

This week’s film is Birdman, screening on Tuesday and Thursday at 7 p.m. 

This is a film about theatre, shot like a play. The entire movie is filmed with impossibly long one-shots where the camera follows a character throughout labrynthine hallways between greenrooms and the wings. The special effects (especially the flying shots) are overwhelming to take in. The entire time you watch, it is impossible to ignore just how beautiful and difficult the whole endeavor is. 

That’s externally. You are also are privy to the interior thoughts of a narcissistic actor, widely considered to be bad, grasping to haul himself up to respectability. You get to witness the detrimental behavior of a good actor bending beneath the pressure to maintain, and quickly sliding down into a bad place. Both of them effect their relationships in unexpected ways. Equally confusing is the image of a clean and tidy Zach Galifinakis. 

If you missed this film in the theatre the first time, I encourage you to check it out this week. As usual, it’s only $5, so there’s minimal risk and a high probability of reward. 

The week of the 26th, the film will be The Revenant, again at 7 p.m. for $5. Coincidentally, that week will also hold the possibility to see Deke Weaver’s  Unreliable Bestiary: BEAR at KCPA, which would make for a hell of a double-feature.

Buy your tickets to either film or both online.

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