Smile Politely

The reason why Spiros Law has the best billboard advertisements in town

I love when local businesses work with local artists. I’ve written about this before but I can’t get over how well designed and powerful Dan Wild’s advertising work is for Spiros Law. It’s simple and clean and is always super matter of fact. The very idea that a local law firm would engage in this way is a showcase of what it means to support local artists, even in ways that don’t always appear that way on its face. 

Each year, through his work with Adams Outdoor Advertising, he develops a new concept for them, and I have come to look forward to them each spring. Of course, we are fans of Dan Wild; Kate Fenton profiled him in the past for Smile Politely. I reviewed his novella last December as well. In case you haven’t picked it up yet, the current moment lends itself well to that sort of thing.

Anyhow, here’s a retrospective of the past four years of their work together. 


2018: Above




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