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The People’s Agenda is hosting three “progressive summer” events

The People’s Agenda, a progressive local political organizing group, will be offering three “101” classes this summer for those who are interested in getting more involved in politics, but don’t know how it all works or how to jump in and make an impact. Trainings will be held at the Independent Media Center, and no sign up is needed. Here is the description from their Facebook event page:

Time to build up our organizing strength to have a powerful impact this fall. Let’s make this a Progressive Summer!

Join us for all three trainings for maximum readiness, or for just one – we promise we’ll make these trainings political-action-muscle building and power packed! All of the workshops will be beginner-friendly yet full of material for the more politically confident as well.

Government 101 – June 8th, 5-8pm @ the IMC
You can’t win the game if you don’t know the rules. This the workshop to be at to learn about municipal, state and federal government structures; how a bills becomes a law, where you can interact with legislators and legislation to have the most impact on the process; and what the responsibilities are of the different elected positions.

Voter Registration 101 – July 13th, 5-8pm @ the IMC
This is how we win! There are more Democrats and Independents than Republicans, more progressives than conservatives, so why do we keep losing? Because our team doesn’t get out and vote – be a part of the solution and learn how to change that at this workshop. We’ll cover the technical aspects of how to register to vote and strategies to organize a voter registration drive as well as the way to organize a get out the vote campaigns that impact elections!

Precinct Committeeperson 101 – August 10th, 5-8 @ the IMC
What the heck is a precinct committeeperson? It is the most important and invisible position in politics and we’re going to teach you all about it. Precinct Committeepersons are responsible for making sure their party voters in their precinct are informed on candidates/issues and they lead efforts to get folks to the polls. A party that has active and engaged precinct committeepeople can dramatically impact the direction of elections and politics. Come learn about what they do and how easy it is to run or support those progressives that will run for these secretly powerful positions in the next election!

Staff writer

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