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The Orpheum is closed, but they are still providing learning opportunities

With the kids home from school, I know parents are looking for fun and easy ways to keep them occupied while also keeping their brains activated in some sort of way. And, we are all looking for ways to stay connected to the community. 

Orpheum Children’s Science Museum is understandably closing for time being, but they are still committed to keeping kids engaged. They have been sharing daily science/art activities on their Facebook page and encouraging families to share their creations. Here’s their Fireworks in a Jar experiment from yesterday:

Places like the Orpheum, that are closed indefinitely, are going to suffer during this time and after. I know this isn’t news to anyone, but still worth pointing out. We wrote about how general lack of support has kept the Orpheum from being all that it could be, and this crisis situation brings that argument into even sharper relief.
Here’s where the Orpheum stands:

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the situation to a head as we temporarily close for the immediate future. This closure is especially serious as it eliminates the vital revenue streams from admissions and programs. This has forced us to lay off three of our team members.

Our amazing staff and board will not give up. We are sharing science experiments through social media, developing web-based summer camp opportunities, and caring for our beloved animals. All to meet the need for science education in the community.

All of us at the Orpheum are committed to providing a fun and locally sourced science experience for you at this time when science education is more important than ever. The future of the Orpheum depends on support from people like you.

If you are able and inclined, you can donate here

Photo from Orpheum Children’s Science Museum Facebook page.

Staff writer

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