Smile Politely

The Moon Come to Earth comes to IUB

Granted it only had to travel across the street to get there.

Philip Graham, Creative Writing faculty member and frequent McSweeny’s contributer, will be reading from his latest book The Moon Come to Earth (University of Chicago Press), at the Author’s Corner this Monday at 4:30 in the Illini Union Bookstore.

From the University of Chicago Press’s website:

A dispatch from a foreign land, when crafted by an attentive and skilled writer, can be magical, transmitting pleasure, drama, and seductive strangeness. In The Moon, Come to Earth, Philip Graham offers an expanded edition of a popular series of dispatches originally published on McSweeney’s, an exuberant yet introspective account of a year’s sojourn in Lisbon with his wife and daughter.

Be there.


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