Smile Politely

The lights at Porter Park are a nice diversion

Remember this summer when all of C-U went crazy over a giant field of sunflowers? My entire Instagram and Facebook feeds were nothing but photos of families and friends basking in the glow of the bright yellow flowers. In this year of suck, we were all so desperate for something that could spark joy.

The holiday lights at Porter Park are the sunflowers of December. 

Red, green, and white lighted triangles, representing trees, are sitting on a wooden platform. Photo by Andrew McClure.Photo by Andrew McClure.

My feeds are now filled with bundled up families and friends basking in the glow of lighted features around the path at Porter Park. It’s a relatively simple set-up. There are a handful of places to stop and take photos.

A tree is lighted by a purple spotlight. It is dark outside, and there are houses with lighted windows along the horizon. Photo by Andrew McClure.Photo by Andrew McClure.

Perhaps this year is teaching us to better appreciate the simpler things in life.

Top photo by Andrew McClure.

Staff writer

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