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The best tea for a cold

The short answer: cinnamon orange hot tea from Cafe Kopi. Ask the barista to use some regular water and then add some honey.

Now, for the long answer. 

Tis’ the season for coughs, colds, and sore throats. Adults can be expected to have 2-3 colds a year. Most of them will last about seven days, but unfortunately there is no real solid evidence to support that any medicine makes a cold go away sooner. So, for the time being, you have to try and soothe your symptoms and hot tea is a great tool. Especially, I have found, the cinnamon orange tea at Cafe Kopi. Some studies show that honey is as effective as cough medicine at reducing cough. So add some honey to your tea and you’ll really be in business.

Pro tip: Cafe Kopi has scolding hot water — so ask the barista to add a little bit of regular water so you can enjoy it right away.

Cafe Kopi is located at 109 N. Walnut in Champaign.

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