Smile Politely

Suzu’s Bakery now has sofuto kurimu

The Japanese bakery in Downtown Champaign is now serving sofuto kurimu, or soft cream. The dessert is available in vanilla, matcha, or a twist containing both flavors. Enjoyed in a cup or waffle cone, the treat is topped with anko or mochi.

If you want to learn more about the bakery, you can check out our interview with Jennifer-Gunji-Ballsrud, one of the owners of Suzu’s Bakery here and Matt’s review of some of Suzu’s offerings here.

Suzu’s Japanese Bakery
114 N Walnut St
W-Sa 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Su 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Top image from Suzu Bakery’s Instagram page.

Food + Drink Editor

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