Smile Politely

The “Rick Bus” visits Champaign

If you hold a rally and less than 25 people show up, does it count as a rally?

As part of its grassroots support for presidential candidate, Rick Santorum, anti-choice group Susan B. Anthony List held a rally on Saturday in Champaign at West Side Park.

From their website:

Rick Santorum stands out as a proven leader in this great human and civil rights cause of our time. It was Rick Santorum who successfully led the fight to ban the gruesome partial-birth abortion procedure, and he proudly co-sponsored and fought for every single piece of pro-life legislation while in the U.S. Senate.

Marilyn Musgrave, Vice President of Government Affairs at SBA List, spoke for about seven minutes:


Evidently, this group is traveling the state in support of Rick Santorum because of our primary on Tuesday. And at each stop, a local anti-choice activist speaks. C-U’s Jan Ruffner (Silent No More) stated that “democrats are mean,” and that “they aren’t pro-choice, they’re pro-abortion.” She considers an “abomination” to be this “abortion nation” we’re living in. So it’s not just The Gays?

I finally found something to like about Rick Santorum: he uses the Oxford comma.

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