Smile Politely

Squee! Judiee is the newest Artist of the Corridor

Urbana Public Arts does a lot of these Artist of the Corridor things, but I tell you, they have been on fire lately. Or maybe I just know more artists now so I’m more excited about it. 

Last quarter’s artist, Travis Hocutt, was one I find fascinating, but I am even more pleased about Judy Lee (Judiee) taking over. Pecha Kucha presenter, pre-school teacher, local author, artist, and Made Fest favorite, it doesn’t seem like she could get or even need more exposure, but she sure deserves it. 

Seriously, hello, look at these frogs. If you didn’t buy one last Pygmalion then you should fix that. Or go to either library and check out her book: Monet and the Waterlilly Friends. It is part biography, part art-education book with project ideas, and all adorable. 

Regardless, her Corridor exhibition is called Mini Masterpieces and is displayed at both the Urbana City Building and the Urbana Free Library, hanging until September. An opening reception will take place on Thursday, July 14th from 5-6:30 p.m. Her art is worth checking out at any time, but she’s also a delightful person, so maybe take the chance to say hey at the reception. 

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