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Some positive news from C-U Public Health District: “Keep flattening the curve Champaign County”

As we mentioned earlier this week in our Editorial, being a good citizen during the pandemic in part involves listening to the information that comes from Champaign-Urbana Public Health District. Here’s a nice piece of positive information from Julie Pryde & company today: Champaign County appears to be flattening the curve in some capacity. 

As CUPHD points out, extending “doubling time” is a positive thing:

Champaign County currently has a “case doubling time” of 12.2 days. The longer the doubling time, the less likely we are to overwhelm our hospital resources.

We all need some positive news, even a small amount of it, so here it is. As always, keep up to date with CUPHD by following them across the board on social media:

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