Smile Politely

September news at Flying Machine Coffee

September is here, the students are back, and we have a month packed with fun stuff. So let’s get started because I can be longwinded.

This coming Friday night, the 12th of September, we teamed up with Undercut Collective to host an acoustic all ages show that will be great fun. The show will feature Ryan Groff, Noah Harris, Marielle McNabney, and a poetry reading from Elizabeth Majerus. If you havent been out to a Undercut show yet, I urge you to go. And if you dont yet know about UC founder, Saskia Bakker, read this. I could not be more proud and encouraged by what Saskia and Undercut does. We are thrilled to be a part of it. 

A quick reminder that flight night (or flight club, I cant decide) will be on sunday the 21st. Sign up sheets are still at the shop for the 2 p,m,, and 3:30 p.m. tastings. All the coffee on our handcraft menu will be sampled, talked about, and even paired with food/other sensory fun. So come in and ask about it!

We will have a booth set up with Columbia St. Roastery at Pygmalion on Saturday and Sunday this year! Expect pour overs, iced coffee, and maybe some other tasty treats.

And last but not least: Flying Machine Coffee will turn one year old on September 23rd. I have no idea how this happened, but it’s true. So, to show our appreciation for all of our new friends and family we have found in the last 12 months, we are going to have a little party. It will be at Crane Alley on the 23rd, starting around 6:30 p.m., snacks will be on us, and maybe even some beer! Either way, we would really like to just hang out with you guys, because we have grown quite fond of you. I will leave the cheesy, emotional nonesense for the party after I have a couple beers. For now I will simply say, thank you.

— Josh Lucas, Flying Machine Coffee

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