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Save the bees with this beginner course

Have you been wanting to learn more about saving the world from destruction and peril? Or perhaps save the bees from extinction? If you’re the person who plays the “Bees?” card during Cards Against Humanity, here’s your chance.

The Central Eastern Illinois Beekeeping Association is hosting a beginner’s beekeeping course that will run for four weeks (four consecutive Wednesdays), starting tomorrow, January 16th. 

Registration for the class is $50. From the Facebook event page:

This Beginner Beekeeping Course is all about beekeeping—understanding honey bee biology, getting started, managing bee colonies for fun and/or profit—and is designed to help you become a successful beekeeper.

This course is 4 consecutive Wednesdays starting January 16th.  We will have an outline of the course shortly.

Welcome to the world of beekeeping.

Fee: $50.00 per person.  The fee includes the materials required for this course.
This course is limited to 40 people so please sign up now.  To sign up, send a Facebook message to CEIBA and we’ll get you on the list.

Top photo from CEIBA Facebook page 

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