Smile Politely

Rodney Davis is selling “Fire Pritzker” bumper stickers

Rodney Davis is focusing a lot of his attention on Governor Pritzker and his role in the redistricting process. Back in April, he was urging Governor Pritzker to veto any redistricting map drawn by lawmakers. Two weeks later he was calling the governor a liar and hopping up on his moral high horse:

“Pritzker is enabling a partisan redistricting process that will be used to tighten his party’s grip on power for another decade. That’s wrong, and it’s not what the people of Illinois want. Governor Pritzker has turned out to be the latest failed, self-serving, Illinois politician who lied his way into office by saying one thing to voters and doing another once in office.”

Now, he’s gone a step further, sending out a Rodney for Congress fundraising email encouraging people to donate $10 for a Fire Pritzker bumper sticker. From Capitol Fax:


Governor Pritzker has been a disgrace to Illinois.

He’s committed to protecting corrupt Democrats over serving the people of our great state — and it’s time for him to GO.

Chip in just $10 in the next few hours and receive your own FIRE PRITZKER sticker today!


Thank you,

Team Davis

Paid for by Rodney for Congress

He’s tweeting about it too:

With the fate of IL-13 uncertain, it’s looking more and more possible that Davis is planning to run for governor. We brought up this rather frightening possibility back in February.

Davis’ disingenuousness knows no bounds. He continues to shout from the rooftops about being the “most bipartisan member of Congress from Illinois” while breathlessly blaming Democrats for everything and ignoring the giant plank in his party’s eye. The party that is placing loyalty to the former president over all else. His statement on the recent ousting of Liz Cheney: 

“Liz is a good friend, and I thought she did a good job as conference chair. I’d like to thank her for her leadership. Our country has real problems that are going unaddressed,” Davis said in an emailed statement, “a crisis at the southern border, cyber attack on a major pipeline, gas shortages, inflation and rising food and gas prices, lackluster jobs report, an economy hampered by government, kids still not in school, Israel under attack by Hamas terrorists, the list goes on. Democrats are in total control of Washington, yet they refuse to work on real solutions to these problems we face. I’m 100% focused on policy solutions that will improve the lives of the families and taxpayers I represent, and that’s exactly what Congress should be focused on.”

It’s exhausting. 

Top photo by Steven Pratten.

Staff writer

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