Smile Politely

Rodney Davis is having a town hall (but he isn’t calling it that)

It was announced today that Rodney Davis plans to have an “Open Government” event in Decatur on July 29th from 6 to 7:30 p.m. He will appear with Rep. Dan Caulkins, a Republican who represents the 101st district in the Illinois House. The event will be held at the Shilling Community Education Center at Richland Community College. Seating is first come first served, and if the auditorium where it will be held, there are 325 seats. 

From the Decatur Herald & Review: “Open Government Nights are a series in conjunction with state lawmakers to allow constituents an opportunity to hear directly from their elected officials at the state and federal level on important issues.” So, a town hall? 

Davis has become rather infamous for his town hall disdain, unless of course there are donations involved, but perhaps he’s turning over a new leaf (as he looks forward to an election race against an opponent who almost beat him last time and now he’ll be able to say he meets openly with consituents)? Also, surely C-U is next on the list for an Open Government Night.  

If you would like to submit questions, you can email moderator Chris Coates at, or submit them at the event. 

Photo from Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

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