Smile Politely

Pygmalion Announcement: Low + Denison Witmer + Light Pollution

Woah! Slow down there folks… just because Wavves freaked out in Barcelona doesn’t mean they won’t kill it on stage at Pygmalion! In any case, if they don’t float your boat, just check out today’s announcements.

We’d venture to say that if Wavves defines flash-in-the-pan success with a chance of dissolution by year’s end, then Low is definitely the antithesis. They’ve had a 25+ year career and have helped define an entire genre of indie music: Slowcore.

What’s more, there is Philadelphia songsmith Denison Witmer, Dekalb indie popsters Light Pollution, as well as formidable locals Ryan Groff, Good Night and Good Morning, and Golden Quality.

Stay tuned for more soon! And early bird passes are still on sale, but let’s be honest, not for long.


Denison Witmer:

Light Pollution:

Ryan Groff:

Good Night and Good Morning:

Golden Quality:

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