Smile Politely

Photos from Play or Pose

There were plenty of photographers in the crowd at Sunday’s Play or Pose reunion show with fancy professional cameras. So we got a few pics from someone who didn’t have such technology at his disposal — resident local music fanatic Todd Hunter. Thanks Todd!

ABOVE: The Outnumbered’s Jon Ginoli (left) and Tim McKeage (right). What a show!

ABOVE: Lonely Trailer (left) were phenomenal and the crowd went bonkers. Cowboy X (right) were tight and wouldn’t sound out of place on WPGU still today.

ABOVE: Lisa Gottheil (left) and Ward Gollings (right) addressing the audience.

ABOVE: The Poster Children had to be on their game to follow three great sets by the rest of the Play or Pose bands. Of course, they were. Rose Marshack (left), Rick Valentin (right), and the rest of the band gave the audience a spectacular send-off.

Have photos from the concert or after-hours that you’d like to share? Send us your pics at editors at smilepolitely dot com.

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