Smile Politely

Passdowns at JSM

Have you ever been at a friend’s place for a party — either pizza or pajama — and thought to yourself “Wowee would I like to live here!” So you think about it all year, day dreaming of a sweet space as you mope about your current apartment which now pales in comparison. You get together a group of friends, now deemed the Future Roomie Crew, and plan on making that apartment your very own. You and the FRC spend weeks coordinating a plan of attack.

On open leasing day, you will be the first in line. You’ll get a thermos of Starbucks and be lined up before the sun rises and your reward will be locking down that dream place for the 2016/17 school year. It’s a bulletproof plan. But then on Open Leasing Day tragedy strikes. Sam decided to take a 7 a.m. like a nerd, and there is a test that cannot be missed. Alex had too much fun at KAM’s and is now MIA, and Taylor in typical Taylor-fashion “forgot”. So now it’s down to you. And as if though the hassle of securing a 4 bedroom apartment on your own wasn’t enough, whole slews of other groups had the same idea and are now posted up outside the leasing office ahead of you. So the line dwindles, and dwindles, and when it finally gets to you, the dream apartment is gone, along with every other apartment in the building. 

I know… what a sad tale. Why must the world be so cruel? I am here to tell you it doesn’t have to be. JSM gives you the option of the passdown. This wonderful concept saves you the hassle of the waiting and the hoping, and gives you a guarantee that you will receive your apartment. A passdown is a formal agreement between you and your future roommates and the current tenants of the apartment you want to rent. The current tenants would fill out the passdown form on our website, then you and your roomies would fill out our leasing applications here.

Once both forms are submitted you would schedule a signing appointment. It’s as easy as that. The apartment never goes back on the market so you never have to worry about losing it to someone else. JSM will still complete our high quality turnover, so you don’t have to worry about moving into your friend’s mess. And best of all, there is no passdown fee. All that is due at singing is the security deposit. So if there is an apartment in Johnstown, Green Balcs, or Green Street Towers that you have you heart set on, get the passdown process started right now! The deadline is September 15th, and open leasing starts September 18th. If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at 217-359-6108 or send us an email at

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