Smile Politely

New manager at the helm of I.D.E.A. Store

From a CU Schools Foundation press release:

Clorinda D’Agnolo brings over 15 years of sales, marketing and management experience to her new role as General Manager of The I.D.E.A. Store.  The position is a great fit for her professional experience and passion. While much of Clori’s experience has been in Sales and Operations Management with the Architectural and Design community, her education and personal passions are in the Fine Arts, education and sustainability arenas.  D’Agnolo puts it this way, “My interest in the I.D.E.A. Store is that it walks the line that connects sustainability, education and the creative process or as The I.D.E.A. Store calls it, eco-edu-art.”

Throughout her career she has been involved with “Green” programs and products as well as repurposing items for her custom projects. Her passion for sustainability combined with her artistic talents has helped her provide unique solutions for her clients over the years. She has built a reputation as a creative, passionate and committed individual with an eye to the future.

Retiring General Manager Gail Rost and co-founder Carol Jo Morgan, launched The I.D.E.A. Store in 2010 as an earned-income enterprise of CU Schools Foundation. The store, debt-free, generates support for the foundation’s programs — more than $30,000 to date — from store sales and educational outreach programs that directly benefit teachers and students in the Champaign and Urbana public schools.

In addition to providing local businesses and individuals with an alternative means of discarding unwanted but reusable materials and making them available at affordable costs to teachers, students, artists, crafters, hobbyists and others, The I.D.E.A. Store staff and volunteers offer workshops and other educational programs, and engage in community outreach activities in the schools that emphasize ways to protect the environment, conserve energy and other resources, and reduce the local waste stream.

The I.D.E.A. Store is hosting Hooplah Fantastico, an all-purpose party, on Tuesday, July 1 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm to wish Gail Rost the best of luck and to welcome Clori as the new General Manager of The I.D.E.A. Store.  For more information about any of the CU Schools Foundation programs or The I.D.E.A. Store, contact Molly Delaney for more information at 217-398-2873.

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