Smile Politely

Native Pop art events are happening later this month

Native Pop promotes Native pop art and art making, and three Native artists will be participating in a panel discussion, live demos, and reception around the collective theme “Native Pop presents: Strong Women: Reclaiming Imagery”. The events are sponsored by Spurlock Museum, University YMCA, Native American House, and the Women’s Resource Center and will take place March 30th. Here are the specifics:

TALK: University YMCA: Panel conversation with MaryBeth Nelson (Cherokee), Serena Penaloza (Navajo and Maricopa), and Brent Learned (Cheyenne-Arapaho)

University YMCA

March 30th

12 p.m.

Live Art Demos and Reception

Spurlock Museum

March 30th

7 p.m.

Staff writer

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