Smile Politely

Nathan Gunn joins March 14th premiere of new work by Hershey Felder

Lyric Theatre’s co-director and Swanlund Chair, Professor Nathan Gunn will be among the three world-class opera stars performing in the premiere of Hershey Felder’s new work Puccini. Puccini is “the story of a young musician who loves opera, particularly Giacomo Puccini’s La bohème, Tosca, and Madama Butterfly. When a series of unusual circumstances gives the young musician an opportunity to meet his musical hero, he’s uplifted by the secrets that are revealed.”

The performance, “which was filmed and performed on location in Lucca, Pisa, and Florence, Italy, in the very locations where events took place, including the home of Puccini’s birth,” is a fundraiser for Lyric Theatre @ Illinois and Krannert Center, with all proceeds going to the Student Excellence Fund.


Livestream access is available for $55 per household and includes on demand access until March 21st. 

Get more information about Pucini here

Top image from Krannert Center for the Performing Arts website

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