Smile Politely

Narrations on narcissistic visions and rejection



Charity White’s Artist Statement:

Charity WhiteWith an element of humor I express my interpretation of contemporary issues surrounding the dynamics between sexuality and socially enforced gender roles. I am interested in the development of individuality within prescribed societal roles.Often my figures are disproportionate and awkward to show the inconsistency development in maturity, sexuality and awareness of self. I create a lighthearted way of looking at sexuality by pairing it with the awkward. I look to glorify the grotesque and exploit the vulnerable. I find humor in the uncomfortable and the oddity of social normalities. From breast implants, to liposuction, to sexual taboos, my work relates to the plight of the contemporary woman.

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Fidencio Montalvo’s Artist Statement:

Fidencio MontalvoMy work is cultivated with the precipitation of politics and social injustice. Within our capitalist structure we are focused on personal advancement toward the American dream; we are taught to be blind or fearful of the other. When emphasis is placed on the individual, the collective is lost; our contemporary society allows us the comfort to place the matters of the world on mute. It is in this realm of urgency that my work is born from; with the aspirations of it serving as an agent of change.

My work reflects that which society has chosen to forget or dismiss — sometimes by convenience. I employ overt and subversive tactics. The visual aesthetics utilized help transition and bait the viewer into topics that are sometimes considered taboo or contentious. My work operates as a vessel for dialogue.

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S.B. Livingston‘s Artist Statement:

S.B. LivingstonSingular ponderings of place

Through desolate space

Solitary wanderings

In empty craters

Joyous joinings of lust struck gazers

Striking happiness upon completeness

Amourousness ensues under apocalyptic light

‘Till fateful fallings intervene

Smoke and Ash, Dust from Lust

Now loving hearts unite


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