Smile Politely

MU*TH*VA*SH sounds like cussing, actually a fundraiser

If you say each syllable, it may just satisfy all your NSFW needs during business hours, but it’s also more apparent that this new word stands for “Musical Theatre Variety Show” and it’s happening this weekend and Urbana High School. 

[Dating myself] When I was in High School, all the choir/band/theatre kids were reciting the libretto of Les Mis and RENT — especially anything about whoring or death. So it does not surprise me at all that current gleeks are obsessing over Hamilton, especially considering that it just opened in Chicago. And other contemporary shows like Wicked, Once, RENT, and Newsies remain popular… wait… two of those feel like they’re in the wrong decade. Oh well, good is good, and if someone at UHS can nail “The Tango Maureen” you better believe I want to see it. 

Presenting a selection of songs from current hot shows allows the local young performers a chance to sing their dream roles without breaking the art department’s budget. In fact, it’s so fast and easy to do that the school is using this one-weekend engagement as a fundraiser for the rest of the theatre season.

So give UHS kids $5 of your money and a little bit of your weekend, and in return you get a few songs and a new swear word. 

MU*TH*VA*SH is happening at 7 p.m. on Thursday 9/29 and Friday 9/30 at UHS’ Cobb Auditorium at 1002 Race St. 

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