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Museum of the Grand Prairie’s Garden Speaker Series begins January 26th

The museum’s speaker series is focusing on the topic of climate change, and there will be three separate sessions, all free and open to the public. 

Climate change in your backyard and forest, January 26th, 2 p.m.

Featuring: Dr. Holly Rosencranz, Master Gardener and Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine in the University of Illinois’ College of Medicine, and Warren Lavey, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Policy and Law in the University of Illinois’ Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Department

Learn what plantings and ecosystem restoration you can complete to help partially solve how we deal with more heat, intense storms, droughts, and invasive species. Also, gain awareness of the impact changing conditions can have on our health when engaging in these activities.

Tropical effects felt in the Midwest, February 9th, 2 p.m.

Featuring: Jeffrey Brawn, Professor and Head of Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences at Illinois

Learn about the possible far-reaching consequences of tropical climate change on issues such as food security and environmental justice as well as what can be done to mitigate these issues.

Adapting to climate change: No regret strategies, March 29th, 2 p.m.

Featuring: James Ellis, Natural Areas Coordinator for University of Illinois’ Committee on Natural Areas

Learn how a changing climate might affect natural ecosystems in Illinois, how changes might impact the ability of people to protect and manage ecosystems, and what you can do with your own land in response to a changing climate.

Top image: A lawn that is partially mowed. A lawnmower is in the background, in front of a white picket fence. Image from Facebook event page. 

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