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MTD will be offering free rides until further notice

Typically MTD offers free rides on Election Day. They will be doing that today, but they have also decided to extend the free rides temporarily. From their website:

Allowing free rides encourages social distancing by eliminating the need for our Operators to handle cash, coin, and transfer slips with passengers. Free rides will also allow parents the ability to travel to various meal distribution sites with their children when local schools are not in session to provide daily lunches. While we do encourage all passengers to stay home if they are sick or able to do so, we recognize that may not be not possible for everyone, so MTD is removing barriers to help those in need get to important destinations, such as work, grocery stores, and assistance centers.

Right now they have reduced service due to Spring Break, but regular service will resume March 22nd. They are diligently following sanitation procedures in order to keep riders safe, though they ask that we all continue to do our parts to protect others. 

Photo from MTD website.

Staff writer

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