Smile Politely

Middle-aged hipsters talk about music from the 90s as C-U yawns

Tonight SP’s semi-retired music writer Doug Hoepker and SP’s should-be-retired music editor John Steinbacher will be on (90.1 FM) discussing overlooked nineties bands from 8 to 10 p.m. They will focus on bands that haven’t held up in the general music conciousness as well as they should have.

This is the Rock Geek FM slot normally filled by SP contributors William Gillespie and Cristi Scoggins, who are currently suffering in Hawaii. Tune in and listen as John and Doug complain about why you don’t know about a band that you never knew you should care about.

And immediately following the show, Monticello’s Ashley Edwards will be in for a live performance on WEFT Sessions.

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