Smile Politely

Look at this Farren’s food porn

Last weekend I may have embarrassed myself eating at Farren’s. I was starving and there were so many delicious things on the menu and I wanted to eat them all. So, the spouse and I ordered the smoked gouda mac and cheese special ($7), as well as an order of fries ($5) as appetizers. Then, knowing I’d need some protein, I ordered a cheeseburger ($8), but opted for a side salad ($4), because, you know, vegetables.

I felt really good about my choices at the time, but soon felt very full and a little uncomfortable, and quite tired. We then went to a movie and, surprisingly, managed to stay awake through the entire thing. Now that I’m several days out from this obscene Farren’s gorge-fest, I can whole-heartedly say that I regret nothing.

All of that is to say, I encourage you to go to Farren’s. Get the mac and cheese if it’s on special. (Also consider the mac daddy burger ($14) if it’s available.) Eat the things. Live your best life.

Photos by Jessica Hammie

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