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Local mentalist perfectly predicts NCAA tourney bracket

But we think he would have been better off guessing the Mega Millions.


Press release from Psychic Joker Entertainment:

Local mentalist David der Geist recently appeared live on Green Street with the Daily Illini to reveal a prediction he had made and sealed back on March 9 — the complete bracket for the 2012 NCAA men’s basketball tournament.In conjunction with the Daily Illini‘s March Madness bracket contest, David had appeared in campustown back on March 9 to deliver a locked safe containing his predictions of the outcome of the NCAA tournament. March 9 was two full days before the initial matchups were announced. He brought the safe to the WPGU studio, where it stayed in full view until his recent return on April 4. That afternoon, live on the air, a volunteer from the Daily Illini opened David’s sealed prediction to compare it to the final outcome of the tournament. David’s entries were determined to be 100% correct — although some of the names on the bracket were somewhat unusual.

“I don’t follow sports at all,” David says, “so when I get impressions about this kind of stuff, they often come to me as images. They don’t always make sense to me.” One of the first examples of the more unusual entries was the word “Toto” — representing Kansas.

In addition to the standard bracket entries, there were also additional sentences typed onto the paper, including “Weber, I don’t think we’re in IL anymore,” a reference to Bruce Weber’s dismissal from the U of I, and his new position at Kansas. David’s complete bracket, which was verified to be 100% accurate, can be viewed online.

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