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Learn more about Champaign Center Partnership next month

Champaign Center Partnership is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting local business in the Downtown, Midtown, and Campustown areas. They invite local businesses to become Partnership members, so they can take advantage of the added promotion and networking opportunities CCP has to offer. 

If you’re a business owner or individual that wants to learn more, they are offering Partnership 101 three different times during the month of March:

Wednesday, March 6th – 9 to 10 a.m.

Tuesday, March 12th and Thursday, March 28th – 12 to 1 p.m.

All sessions will be held at M2 on Neil, 301 N. Neil Street, 4th floor.

Here’s what you can expect:

Get to know the local nonprofit business association serving Champaign’s Downtown, Midtown and Campustown neighborhoods at Partnership 101.

Together, we help you:
– grow your business
– increase visibility
– invest in your community
– get seen on maps
– market your products and services.

Learn more about the mission, vision, services and benefits of partnering with Champaign Center Partnership at one of our introductory information sessions.

Sessions are free, and there will be food! Coffee and pastries at the morning session, and lunch at the noon sessions. 

You can register here.

Photo by Darrell Hoemann from Champaign Center Partnership Facebook page

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