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It’s a new year, maybe you should try bouldering

Have you been to Urbana Boulders yet? Admittedly I have not, but I’ve taken both kids there for various gatherings, and it seems like a totally unique and fun way to be active and build some strength.

They are currently registering teams for their Boulder League, which will meet on Thursday evenings beginning January 17th. Here’s a description, from their website, about what that is exactly:

UB Boulder League is a social league in which groups of climbers will meet once a week to climb together and earn points for their team. Each climbing session will begin with a huddle hosted by our League Facilitator in which updates and developments will be shared. Team standings will be posted weekly. Teams must be co-ed and can carry between 4 and 6 team members.

Something to note, bouldering is a different deal than doing a rock climbing wall. You won’t see ropes and pulley systems, just a whole bunch of mats ready to cushion your fall and/or landing as you climb. 

It’s the new year, and we’re all out there looking to try new things and improve ourselves, so why not grab a few buddies and try it out. You can register here, and find out more here.

Photo from Facebook

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