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Illinois-based film In Circles launches IndieGoGo campaign

It’s always cool when a feature film is set to come out of Champaign-Urbana, and today, locally-based director Andrew Laudone has announced an IndieGoGo campaign for his feature-length film, In Circles,  which looks pretty cool if I must be frank.

Focusing on “low budget, socially conscious projects,” Laudone’s company, Consumer Grade Film, seeks to create a film that catches the essence of tough topics like abortion and addiction in the context of the midwestern United States, something that is fairly seldom seen in film, especially feature film.

Check out the demo reel and the press release, embedded below, and make sure to support local film if that interests you, because this is a pretty neat concept and essential to keeping a thriving arts scene in C-U.



Southern Illinois Natives making film about Midwest struggles

Carbondale, Illinois, July 1, 2016

Raised in the area, the ambitious filmmakers at Consumer Grade Film are producing the feature length film “In Circles” covering the issues they’ve seen first hand: drug abuse, poverty, fracking, disenfranchisement. The film will be set in the midwest, filmed in the same places the Illinois graduates were sculpted in: Southern Illinois. Given the fact the filmmakers at Consumer Grade Film have recently graduated, and are covering topics largely ignored by the rest of the nation, production and funding will be a struggle of it’s own.

Consumer Grade Film is a U.S. Midwestern collective of filmmakers focusing on low budget, socially conscious projects. This collective is young and unknown, but are hoping to make a big mark with their debut film “In Circles”. In order to do this, they are looking for help from their community via the popular crowdfunding website Indiegogo.

The Indiegogo campaign would allow the film to not only be created by people from the community, but also funded by the same community, making the title “In Circles” quite literal. Currently in the preproduction
stage, Consumer Grade Film hopes to raise $10,000 to get production rolling. Incentives for contribution to the Indiegogo campaign include exclusive posters and buttons, getting to be an extra in the film, and executive producer film credits.

To follow the progress of production, you can find Consumer Grade Film on Facebook at To find more information on how to contribute to the production of “In Circles”, visit To contact Consumer Grade Film, email


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