Smile Politely

If you’re going to do some outdoor dining, now is the time

Since Region 6 mitigations went into effect this week, restaurants and bars have had to close indoor dining. It’s not an awesome situation, but neither is the rise in cases we are seeing.

However, outdoor dining is still a go, and the weather gods have offered up a week of 70 degree temps. This won’t last long, so now is the perfect time to hit up one of your favorite patios (if that is something you are comfortable with). I shared my experiences from a handful that I tried this summer and fall, but plenty of restaurants in C-U have nice set ups happening. 

Billy Barooz just added a tent over their patio, with heaters, and also with an open side. I appreciate the added ventilation. 

An outdoor patio with several high top wooden tables. There is a large white tent over the top. Photo from Billy Barooz Facebook page.Photo from Billy Barooz Facebook page.

Everyday Kitchen at Lodgic Everyday Community has done something similar, and they’ve provided blankets and hand warmers (which you shouldn’t need for this weekend, but nice for future reference!)

Several blue-green metal tables are spread out across a patio. There is greenery along one side, and a large white tent covering. Photo from Everyday Kitchen Facebook page.Photo from Everyday Kitchen Facebook page.

Not up for dining at the restaurant? Get yourself some curbside and take it to the park. Bottom line: Support these restaurants who are being dealt a terrible hand by our inability to keep this virus under control. They are pulling out all the stops to stay in business and keep customers as safe as possible. 

Also, wear your mask when you walk up, head to your table, interact with your server, or get up from the table. 

Top photo from Billy Barooz Facebook page.

Staff writer

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