Smile Politely

Hooey Batiks Hosts Art Sales in Urbana

Animalia FrogArt ushers out the last days of winter this weekend at the second annual Hooey Batiks Spring Open House in Urbana.

The event features four artists, including host Jill Miller and her Hooey Batiks, who will display and sell their work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday the 13th, and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday the 14th (please take note of daylight savings time change over the weekend). The open house takes place at 905 S. Lynn St., U.

Miller specializes in unique batiked clothing, pillows, and lamps.

Other artists participating in the open house are Dogtown Artworks of rural Champaign County, with their “dog people” photographs, books and notecards; Animalia Pottery of Columbia, Mo., with their fun, whimsical pottery and hand-knit hats; and Weenerware of Chicago, with cool bottle cap and resin jewelry.

“What I think is great about the mix of artists is that we’re all on the silly side,” Miller says. “It comes out in the artwork.”

Animalia and Weenerware are both from outside the Champaign-Urbana area and less well known than Hooey Batiks and Dogtown Artworks. The addition of new artists adds to the unique flavor of the event.

“I wanted to do a spring home show and, really, it’s just people I like and I want to show off their work as well as mine,” Miller adds. “It’s sort of like the Amazon gimmick: ‘People who bought a Hooey Batik also bought stuff from these artists.'”

Miller is also one of the hosts and organizers of the popular and well-attended Art HooHa that takes place in December.

Please go to for more information about the artists and the event.

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