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HERSTORY symposium taking place October 26th at NCSA

There’s an upcoming symposium being held at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) featuring a bunch of amazing women talking about their work on October 26th. Check out the information below:

Herstory: Digital Innovation Symposium and Book Signing

Hear from Midwestern women who shaped early digital media and participate in breakouts focused on empowering women at “Herstory: Digital Innovation Symposium & Book Signing” on October 26 at NCSA in room 1030 from 9AM to 2PM.  

The event has 13 lightning talks followed by interactive luncheon breakout sessions and is based off a new book titled “New Media Futures: The Rise of Women in the Digital Arts”. Thirteen book contributors who give talks include the woman who designed the first graphical web browser, the first female gaming company founder, and the woman who built the first room-size virtual reality room environment. Lunch provided for registrants. Event sponsored by NCSA, IPRH, and University of Illinois Press. Register here for lunch.

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