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Here is what Phase 4 means for the Urbana Park District

Urbana Park District released their plans for Phase 4 of Restore Illinois, which means a few more things will be available for use. Here are some new guidelines for outdoor things:

UPD Outdoor Basketball and Volleyball

•  Stay home if you are sick
•  Practice social distancing
•  Wash or sanitize your hands before and after use
•  Encouraged to wear a face covering when within 6 feet of others
•  Outdoor sport courts/fields are not sanitized and users play at their own risk
•  Limit group use to no more than 50 in accordance with public health rules

UPD Outdoor Playgrounds

•  Stay home if you are sick
•  Practice social distancing
•  Wash or sanitize your hands before and after use
•  Encouraged to wear a face covering when within 6 feet of others
•  Outdoor playground surfaces are not sanitized and users play at their own risk
•  Limit group use to no more than 50 in accordance with public health rules

The outdoor restrooms and water fountains remain closed.

For now their programming will remain largely virtual, and Crystal Lake Pool will not open this year. There may be some Yoga in the Park offered later in the summer, and they are looking to open the indoor pool at some point. 

Photo from Urbana Park District website.

Staff writer

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