Smile Politely

Here is a massive mound of nachos

You’ll find these nachos at Billy Barooz. They’re $11.99, and they are huge. The pile is truly enormous; I was a littly embarrassed when they came out. I shared these with my spouse, and we opted for adding chicken for an additional $2.99. While good, the amount of chicken was small, and only sprinkled on the top layer of the nachos.

Gigantic cup of water for scale

These nachos are the ideal snack for watching a sporting event or having some drinks with friends, things you might find yourself doing this week.

You could easily share with a table of four, or five, or even six people.

Billy Barooz
2521 Village Green Pl
Su-Th 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
F + Sa 11 a.m. to midnight

Photos by Jessica Hammie

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