Smile Politely

Here are ways you can support Willard Airport right now

While Willard Airport remains open as an “essential business” during this stay-at-home order, they will understandably be one of our local businesses that is greatly affected by this pandemic. Here are a few ways you can support them, and the staff that is working there, during this time and beyond:

  1. Once regular travel is something we are doing again, pledge your support to Fly Local. This is a campaign they launched in 2018 to encourage local businesses, employers, and government officials to use their local airport when making professional travel plans. It’s something we as individuals can pledge as well. 
  2. Rebook your delayed air travel through Willard Airport. 
  3. Leave some nice message for essential staff on Facebook and Twitter. They are there every day cleaning and sanitizing, and making the facility safe for those who absolutely have to travel.
  4. If you absolutely have to travel, use all of those same guidelines that you do when you leave your house now. Don’t go if you’re sick, wash your hands, maintain social distancing, and wear a mask. 

Photo from

Staff writer

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