Smile Politely

Help fill a fireman’s boot in August

You may start seeing people walking in the streets or standing in front of local businesses this month, in various stages of turnout gear, holding large empty boots. Don’t cross the street or call the cops — it’s time again for firefighters to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

MDA’s resources benefit from these fundraisers, using what gets poured out of the footwear for research, care, and support services for people and families affected by muscular dystrophy. Last year, more than 100,000 firefighters raised about $25.5 million. 

Said one local firefighter, “It’s so good to know that the money we raise stays here in [Champaign-] Urbana. There’s a kid in our district, and every year we try to send him to a camp for kids with MD.” 

This morning, and throughout August — the 6th, 9th, and 20th as well — Edge-Scott Fire Protection District will be at the Casey’s near the Urbana exit of I-74, trying to fill the boot several times over. Stop by and help them give back to the community in one more way. 

Of course, if that’s not on your route to work, you can look for any of our other many fire department/districts to be out, or donate directly.

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