Smile Politely

Have you experienced Watson’s new slushie?

No? Well we have! The newest boozy slushie is the Toucan Slam ($9), a name that does not lend itself to non-disgusting puns (hence the title of this SPlog). The Toucan Slam is a Froot Loops™-flavored drink made with Rum Chata and Froot Loops-flavored vodka (likely Loopy by Three Olives). It’s garnished with pieces of the Kellogg’s cereal.

Julie McClure and I are self-designated Watson’s slushie taste testers (and here), and so when Watson’s shared the photo of the new slushie on Facebook last Friday, we made plans for lunch and taste testing on Tuesday.

Image: Watson's Toucan Slam boozy slushie sits on a wood table. It is a frozen, blended white beverage served in a mason jar and garnished with Froot Loopsâ„¢ cereal pieces. A pink straw and a purple straw stick out of the drink on opposite sides of the glass. The glass is on a wood table. Photo by Jessica Hammie.

Image: Watson’s Toucan Slam boozy slushie sits on a wood table. It is a frozen, blended white beverage served in a mason jar and garnished with Froot Loops™ cereal pieces. A pink straw and a purple straw stick out of the drink on opposite sides of the glass. The glass is on a wood table. Photo by Jessica Hammie.

The drink tastes just like a bowl of Froot Loops™: it’s milky, it’s fruity, it’s sweet, and it leaves that gritty, sugary film in your mouth. It tasted nothing of booze — a blessing and a curse, I imagine.

This slushie would be best as a dessert option, as it’s quite sweet, but could possibly foil a super spicy bite of a Nashville Hot chicken.

Watson’s Shack & Rail
211 N Neil St
T-Th 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
F + Sa 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.
Su 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Top image: A close up of the top of Watson’s Toucan Slam boozy slushie. A frozen, blended white beverage is served in a mason jar. Froot Loops™ cereal pieces garnish the drink. A pink straw and a purple straw stick out of the drink on opposite sides of the glass. The glass is on a wood table. Photo by Jessica Hammie.

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