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Habitat for Humanity in need of gift wrapping volunteers

If anyone is looking for a way to give back to the community this holiday season, one of the best causes in town, Habitat for Humanity, is looking for gift wrapping volunteers on December 10th – 24th at Market Place Mall, during normal mall business hours. All money raised will go towards building homes.

For more information, check out what Habitat C-U has to say below: 

Habitat needs your help with Gift Wrapping at Market Place Mall

December 10-24 during mall hours

BE A WRAP STAR! In between the office parties, the shopping, and the baking, don’t forget the gift wrapping!  This is the perfect holiday service project for your family, business, organization or faith group. Shifts are three to four hours starting December 10th through December 24th. All monies earned at the gift wrapping booths go directly into building homes, hope, and a stronger community. 
For more information, contact Kim at 217-819-5110; or send her an email directly at or sign up on-line

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