Smile Politely

Glass Room Poets spring reading Thursday, May 30th at Analog

Last week I introduced you to some of the Glass Room Poets in preview of their Thursday, May 30th reading at Analog. Now, here’s a teaser from member Gale Walden letting you know what to expect, followed by a chance to get to know poet Julie Price Pinkerton.

{Analog is a}  new location for us—we usually have read at a house reading at Dannie Otto’s house and people brought food and socialized for a while before and after.  We are excited to support a new Urbana business though and make use of new space in town. Wine goes well with poetry.  What will stay the same:  we read for an hour, so you get a little bit of poetry from a lot of poets.  It’s a free community event, and we hope people come early, have a little wine and cheese, and stay and mingle.  Those of us who have published books will bring books to sell.

Julie Price Pinkerton shares that the group is key to her process. 

{The group} supports me because everyone in the group is really devoted to not only their own writing, but also to reading the work of the other group members with precise and charitable eyes. Not the kind of charitable where you just say “oh that was a great poem” whether it was or not. I mean charitable in the way that you care enough about the person and their writing to really look deeply into the poem to see what the writer is trying to do and whether or not they’ve done that. We’ve been together a long time and there’s a level of trust among us that is priceless.

Glass Room Poets Spring Reading
Thursday, May 30th, 7 to 9 p.m.
129 N Race St, Urbana

Photo from Facebook event page

The Glass Room Poets are Emily Kerlin, Elizabeth Majerus, Robert Manaster, Matt Murrey, John Palen, Julie Price, and Gale Walden.

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