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Get ready for Common Ground’s Plant Sale next week

Instead of having a one day event, the Co-op will be doing their annual plant sale throughout the entire week: May 4-10. It’s a great way to get your garden started while also supported the Food for All Program. As a refresher:

Food For All is our food access program here at Common Ground. Through the funds we raise at the Plant Sale and through the May Round Up For Good, we are able to give free ownership to those who can’t afford the $60 equity payment. Additionally, those Food For All recipients also receive a 10% discount on Co+op Basics products. Co+op Basics are kitchen staples that are intentionally kept at a low price for everyone! Finally, Food For All recipients also have the option to attend our cooking classes free of charge.

Having the event throughout the week will help to reduce the crowds, and the you can include plants in your regular shopping trip. The plants will even be available through the phone ordering system on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. 

Staff writer

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