Smile Politely

Find a new hobby at The Idea Store

Summer is upon us, more things are opening up, and many of us are itching to get out into the world. However, there will still be those lazy, rainy, just too damn hot days of summer where you need something to occupy your time. Or, perhaps, you’d like to provide your children with something to do that does not involve a screen. 

I browsed The Idea Store yesterday (first time in more than a year!) and found some fun options for starting a new hobby.

A plastic bag filled with tibits of paper items and stickers. There is a neon green price sticker on it that says $5.00. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

Collage making

The store puts together this wonderfully random collections from the miscellaneous paper items they receive. Grab a pack for $5 and see what kind of unique creations you can make.

A cube shaped Brownie camera sits in a glass case. It is surrounded by other photography equipment. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

Photography with an old-timey camera

For $25 this Brownie Hawkeye can be yours. I can’t help you with finding film for it, I don’t know if it works, and you’ll probably have to learn to develop the film if you find it. But, maybe that process can be a whole summer project!

A set of shelves with plastic bins lining each shelf. The bins are filled with greeting cards, and have white signs in front labeling the style of card. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

Become a person who sends cards

Real talk: I hate buying greeting cards. Hate seems like a strong word, but I really do have these strong feelings mostly because cards are silly expensive, and then they just go in the trash. But look at all of these donated greeting cards that you can purchase for much less! Buy a stack and write some meaningful words to people that you know. Surely there is someone in your life who would love to recieve that Big Bird in a Santa hat card.

A box with a photo of a wooden model of the plane designed by the Wright Brothers. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

Build model things

Easy to assemble! No glue or tools! Detail instructions! Sounds like my kind of building project. This can also be a little history lesson for the children about the first flight.

Several colorful paper lanterns hang in front of a large window. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

Make pretty paper lanterns

This lanterns hang above a table of paper scraps (and you can find other papers throughout the store) and they’ve provided printed instructions on how to make these lanterns. Wouldn’t they look nice adorning a window in your house?

Plastic bags filled with different types of postage stamps hang on a rack. Photo by Julie McClure.Photo by Julie McClure.

Start collecting things

If you want to start of a collection of something — stamps, baseball cards, old trophies, vintage postcards — The Idea Store is a great places to start. Stamps are especially fascinating to me, because there is history wrapped up in each one.

Top photo by Julie McClure.

Staff writer

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