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Farren’s is forgoing indoor dining

Illinois enters into Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois plan today, which allows restaurants to start offering indoor dining in a limited way. However, not all restaurants are going that route. Notably, Farren’s has decided to stick with outdoor dining and carryout. Here is the statement from their Facebook page:

At this time, we have decided to continue operating on the patio and for curbside only. Our Farren’s family has made this decision together. We feel that this is the safest way to operate at the moment. Everybody’s health is of utmost importance to us.

We will keep our current hours (Sunday-Thursday, 11AM-9PM and Friday-Saturday, 11AM-10PM).

Once again, we extend our sincere appreciation for all of the love and support our community has shown us as we navigate our way through this pandemic. We love being a part of this community and more specifically, Downtown Champaign.

Be kind. Be empathetic. Spread the love, people!

Restaurants are making tough decisions right now. Let’s continue to support them as we can, and no matter what type of dining you choose to do, be considerate, patient, tip well, and follow the guidelines they’ve set up. 

Photo by Anna Longworth.

Staff writer

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