Smile Politely

Egwu vs. Abrams, Friday on ESPN

Class of 2011 Illini basketball recruits Tracy Abrams (Chicago Mt. Carmel – below) and Nnanna Egwu (St. Ignatius – right) play Friday at 7:30 p.m. in a Pope League match-up. It’s rumored that the Holy Ghost will be in attendance.

You can watch the game on the interweb at and maybe on regular ESPN teevee too, but who really watches teevee anymore?

ESPN3 keeps its posted games available for a while. So if you have bible study or evensong on Friday night, you can watch it sometime in the following week.

Egwu and Abrams are each the source of much speculation among Illini observers. Much scrutiny will be payed to Abrams ball-handling, because he’s expected to play point guard in college.

Egwu’s game might receive even more scrutiny, because he’s only played basketball since 2007. Really.

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