Smile Politely

Douglas R. Ewart at Allen Hall

Date: Feb. 6–9, 2010
Location: Allen Hall (South Rec Room)

Composer, multi-instrumentalist, and improviser, Douglas R. Ewart creates handcrafted, sculptural instruments that he uses in music that refledt traditions of the world.

He will be a Unit One/Allen Hall Guest-in-Residence February 6–10 and will conduct workshops or perform each evening. All programs are open to the public.


Sunday, February 6

4:00–5:00 p.m.: Opening Program: My life and work as an artist and educator


Monday, February 7

7:00 p.m.: Make a functioning, durable, and beautiful musical instrument


Tuesday, February 8

7:00 p.m.: Improvisation Workshop: Learn how to improvise music and to interpret and compose using graphic notation. Bring an instrument if you have one, but not necessary (musicians and non-musicians welcome)

8:30 p.m.: More Instrument Making!


Wednesday, February 9

7:00 p.m.: Join a drum circle utilizing Rastafarian Nyahbingi rhythms and songs as the foundation. Bring an instrument if you have one!

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