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City of Champaign has an updated neighborhood clean up plan

In the past, the city has hosted a one-time drop off event, which did not get great participation numbers. This year, they will be offering grants that neighborhood groups can apply for through the Small Grants Program, so that neighborhoods can host their own clean up events at locations and times of their choice. Here are the details from the website:

Cleanups can be held anytime during the year, at a location convenient for the neighborhood.  Currently active neighborhood groups that are registered with the City can apply for up to $2,000 in grant funds annually to host clean up events to allow residents to dispose of bulk items.*  The Neighborhood Services Department will also provide technical assistance to registered groups wishing to organize and implement neighborhood cleanup events.

*Weekly trash service through a licensed commercial hauler is required for the disposal of putrescible household waste per Municipal Code 15-16 (c).  Electronics and hazardous household waste should be disposed of properly.  Yard waste should be disposed of separately via the City’s Yard Waste Collection, or through use of the City’s Small Grants Program to host neighborhood based yard waste clean up events.

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