Smile Politely

Check out these documentary shorts, produced by students in collaboration with Illinois Public Media

Illinois Public Media worked with students in the College of Media, specifically students in MACS 496: Advanced Media Practicum, to create short opinionated documentary films about C-U. Three films were produced:

Independent Cinema in Champaign
Produced by Glenda Villalon, Eder Rebollar, and Wally West

The Altgeld Ringers
Produced by Elijah Kent, John Greska, and Jeremy Chen

Racism is Everywhere Out Here
Produced by Carson Wang and Nick Arroyo

You can see each of the documentaries here. They are worth a watch. 

Top image: A screen shot from Independent Cinema in Champaign. It is a close up of the marquee at the Art Theater. The background of the marquee’s sign is white, and red letters spell out Thanks for the Memories. There are lights lining the bottom of the sign. At the top of the photo there is a portion of a red sign that spells A R T in white letters. the A and part of the R and T are visible. Image from College of Media Facebook page. 

Staff writer

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